A matter of Culture..

2 min readJan 27, 2022

We all want to find our own space when we grow up, the habitat where we feel most comfortable. Through our experiences we create around us a series of solid points on which to base our character, our personality. Everything that surrounds us and that we want to surround ourselves with represents our culture, an interweaving of past traces that draw the path of our future.
We at Tribyt are aware that culture is important, and we want to represent within the NFT world that niche of outsiders who have not yet managed to find their space, their community, their crew.

Our roots are deeply linked to the rights and values of the human being as an individual, our ideologies find ample space in free parties and digital travellers. We firmly believe in a psycho-digital revolution, where the principles of the psychedelic revolution of the 60’s and the technological advancement of our times will allow all of us to unlock the tools we need to elevate ourselves culturally and achieve our goals.

We know that there is strength in numbers, and that is why we are intent on creating a DAO structured on the principles of the free party movement, giving everyone the opportunity to come together as a community to achieve what could not be done alone. We are here to create something long-term, we want to create a financial support, motivational, educational and recreational at the same time.

We are living in a time when all of this is possible and within the reach of a few clicks, so we would like to remind you that it takes very little to follow us on our social networks!

🎭 DISCORD: https://discord.gg/heRBMwF93g

🕊 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/tribytnft

🛸 INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/tribyt_nft

🤖 TELEGRAM: https://t.me/TribytNFT_Tribe

📖 MEDIUM: https://tribytnft.medium.com

📫 EMAIL: tribyt@protonmail.com




We’re TRIBYT — an ancient tribe focused on develope the ancestral power every human preserves in their genetic memory.